Fleas on Dogs

Fleas on Dogs

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As a dog owner, you should about the risk of the flea. You don't want to see fleas at home, on yourself or on your dog. But these parasites are not just annoying. They have a significant health risk to dogs and other animals, including humans. Learn some basics of prevention and treatment. With the right knowledge, you can help protect dogs and your home from fleas.
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Knowing about Your Enemy :

Fleas are tiny, wingless insects that have a hard, horizontally flat body designed to easily pass through pet hair. Flea legs can also jump long distances, while mouthparts can suck blood. This parasite feeds on the blood of the host, usually a mammal.

Fleas go through four life cycle stages:

  • egg

  • larva

  • pupa

  • adult

Adults live on animals like dogs, and they lay eggs. Whenever your dog scratches, shakes or lays down, these eggs are spread in your home and yard. Then they hatch into larvae.

Symptoms :

Different dogs react differently to fleas. Watch out for all or some of these symptoms exhibited by your dog.

  • Keep scratching and itching intensely, leading to inflamed lumps on the skin, lesions, and ulcers.

  • In certain severe cases, fleas on dogs may cause flea allergy dermatitis.

  • Few dogs may indulge in mild scratching and biting the skin.

  • Certain dogs may remain totally oblivious to the fact that their coat is infested with fleas.

  • Fleas on puppies may lead to anemia due to severe infestation.

Reason :

The reasons why your dog gets fleas various because fleas can come from any other infested animals that might be contacted with your dog. A stray dog, A squirrel that jumped into your guard, A cat from your neighbor, any of them can drop fleas on your dog. As long as there's one flea jumps on your dog, the whole reproduce cycle begins. It only takes a couple of weeks for flea eggs to grow into adult fleas, and then produce more eggs. Thus, take your dog to the vet if you notice any of the symptoms from above!

Treatment :

Once a flea is found on your dog, it means there are undetectable flea eggs that have been distributed in the environment your dog lives. Therefore, the dog owner should not only take the pup to see the vet but also stick to the insect repellent for half a year to effectively control the environment contaminated by fleas in the home. It is because flea eggs are extremely hidden and difficult to kill. When it comes to flea treatments, there are plenty of choices in the market.

  • Spray: All kinds of dog fleas and tick dog treatment spray.

  • Drops: Topical flea treatments for dogs.

  • Oral medicine: Noprosin, Nibelin, etc.

  • Wearing circle: Flea rings.

Prevention :

There are a few things you can do to prevent fleas:

  • Treat all the dogs regularly (once a month).

  • Regularly wash all your dog's beds on a hot wash (60 degrees Celsius) to get rid of any flea eggs.

  • Use a long-acting household spray regularly (both indoors and outdoors).

  • Clean your house, especially in the hot, humid places.

  • Vacuum Your Home Regularly. Don't forget to vacuum the furniture that cannot be washed and immediately dispose of the vacuum bag contents so fleas don't find their way back.

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Hello ! This Is Atlantic!

Hi there! My name is Atlantic. I have just met you, and I love you. My current family has raised me to be the most amazing, little puppy you will ever meet. I love to play, take naps, and give kisses. I am a great puppy and will come home to you up-to-date on my vaccinations and vet checks. I am in search for stuffed animals and toys; will you help me find them? I love to play with everyone. Will you be my new family?
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