Weight Management

Weight Management

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Although obesity is a common problem faced by most dogs, it’s not a minor illness that you can ignore. Because overweight dogs are usually at a higher risk of diabetes, heart diseases, severe kidney, and liver diseases. Losing weight for these overweight pets to keep them healthy and reduce the risk of serious illness has become a necessity.
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We must not only feed them but also consider their health, starting with weight control and proper nutrition distribution. in addition to genetic causes, the reasons for a dog's overweight are obvious: you, the owner. Of course, you are also the best companion to control your dog's weight. Some people say, Food is love, and people want pets to be happy. But in many cases, many foods are not official dog foods. These are the problems that lead to overweight. Dogs ingest excessive amounts of fat. Not only must you take your dogs out for more fun, run more, exercise more, but also have a choice in diet.

You may spoil your dog. For those dogs who are already overweight and their owners, we have some suggestions below.

Calculate Calories

Don't think it's meaningless. If you don't know how many calories your pet needs each day, you don't know how many calories to feed. The dog's weight is in a range of fluctuations. When the dog's intake of calories is far less than it needs, they will become listless. On the contrary, if ingested Too many calories can lead to weight gain in dogs. Of course, each dog's metabolism is different, so be sure to consult a veterinarian before starting a diet.

Measure Meals

In the fight against overweight, the biggest tool for pet parents is a measuring cup. Too many pet owners simply fill a bowl or 'guess' how much they are feeding. To make matters worse, some pets are fed an 'all-day buffet', which is caused by a 'keep bowl full' feeding method, which is why overfeeding occurs.

Tactical Treatment

First, it is not anti-treatment, but anti-junk food. If you plan to give your pets more benefits, count them. Too many pet snacks are what I call 'calorie grenades' filled with sugar and fat, which blow up our pet's waistline and destroy their health. Choose low-calorie, sugar-free foods that are good for your health to help keep your dog's weight and body shape.

Important Vegetables

As an alternative to highly processed dog food, try serving baby carrots, green beans, Corns, Fish. These naturally nutritious and delicious snacks are a healthy choice for many dogs. Apples and bananas are not good choices because they are high in sugar. When you're snacking, drop the potato chips and share the carrots with your dog. Both of you will be healthier.

Pursue Health

For longevity, pain-free and disease-free life, our most powerful partner is a daily exercise. When it comes to companions, anyone with a dog has a perfect exercise partner. For dogs, just 20 to 30 minutes of brisk walking can enhance immune function and improve cardiovascular health.


Many dogs don't need a high-carb diet. But that's why most of us feed pets. When you analyze food labels, many foods contain 60% or more carbohydrates. First, try to use foods with high protein content and low carbohydrate content to reduce dog weight. In some cases, pets, such as kidney failure, maybe better in different types of diets.

Adopt a Dog

Hello ! This Is Rusty!

Hi, I'm Rusty! It's very nice to meet you. I am a very outgoing puppy looking for a family where I would fit in! If you think you could be that family, hurry up and pick me up. I will be up to date on my vaccinations before coming home to you, so we can play as soon as I get there. I'm very excited about meeting my new family, so please don't make me wait too long!
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