We are proud to present the cutest littler of puppies! These little guys and gals will melt your heart with their sweet little faces and cute playful nature. The puppies are 3 1/2 months old and weigh between 12 and 20 lbs. They are terrier mix and are expected to be small dogs. Mom weighs about 25 lbs. The puppies are currently pee pad trained and are learning potty training with access to the yard and patio as a play space.
Don’t let their size fool you! Carlos weighs 15 lbs. Carlos and the rest of the litter are full of playful energy and can be seen running across the patio as if they are racing.
Carlos will be adopted out with a spay/neuter contract that will include a $100 refundable deposit. This deposit will be refunded once the rescue receives proof of surgery from your vet. Adoption won't be finalized until the dog is sterilized.
Carlos is being fostered in Donna, TX but will make the trip to the east coast for an approved adopter. Puppies are adopted out separately however we are willing to give a discount if adopter chooses to adopt two puppies together. Please submit an application via our website, anassafehavenrescue.org if you would like to be considered for adoption. ***Transport is included in adoption fee.***.
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