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Lapponian Herder

Lapponian Herder is calm, friendly, and energetic. They can fit into most living environments as long as they are given jobs to do.

Overall Status

Height 18 to 20 inches
Temperament Friendly, Energetic, Intelligent
Weight 70 pounds
Life Expectancy 10 to 14 years
Coat Color Grey, Black, Liver
Barking Level When Necessery

Quick Factors

Dog Friendly
Exercise Need
Grooming Needs
Strangers Friendly
Family Affectionate
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Daily Care

Grooming Tips Exercise Tips Feeding Tips Health Tips Trainability

The Lapponian Herder has a thick double coat. He sheds his undercoat once or twice a year, usually in the spring and fall. Although his coat is smooth and does not tangle, occasional brushing and baths can help it stay healthy, shiny, and free of parasites.

The nails should be trimmed when needed with a nail clipper or grinder to avoid overgrowth, splitting, and cracking. Ears should be checked regularly to avoid a buildup of wax and debris, which can result in infection. Teeth should be brushed regularly.


The Lapinporokoira is recognized under Finnish sponsorship as Fédération Cynologique Internationale breed number 284, in Group 5 Spitz and primitive types Section 3 Nordic Watchdogs and Herders.

The studbook for the breed remains open. Exported to North America, it is recognized there by the United Kennel Club in the Herding Group (the United Kennel Club places the Finnish Lapphund in the Northern Breed Group.)

It is also recognized by various minor kennel clubs and internet-based dog registry businesses, and promoted as a rare breed for those seeking a unique pet.

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