The Dalmatian’s short, fine, velvety-smooth coat is easy to groom. Brush it several times a week with a bristle brush, rubber curry brush, hound mitt, or pumice stone to strip out the dead hair and keep the coat gleaming.
On the down side, the coat sheds day and night according to many experienced Dalmatian owners. Be prepared to live with dog hair if you choose this breed.
The rest is basic care. Trim the nails as needed, usually every few weeks. Keep the hanging ears clean and dry to prevent bacterial or yeast infections from setting in. Brush the teeth frequently for good overall health and fresh breath.
The Dalmatian as a high-exercise dog. With strength and endurance, this breed will be capable of handling nearly any exercise you throw at it within reason.
They can outlast many humans when it’s time to visit the park and enjoy getting frequent walks. Making sure your dog gets plenty of exercises is critical in maintaining a balanced personality, so make sure that you don’t neglect a Dalmatian’s exercise requirements.
As far as extra exercises,Dalmatiansare capable of a lot, which is partially the reason they’re used in more advanced scenarios such as firefighting and in dog shows.
Dalmatians do not have many stringent needs when it comes to their diet. As avid exercisers, this breed can work up an appetite but should be fed accordingly in order to create a lean, healthy look. Dalmatians should not be fed processed foods or foods meant for human consumption.
If your Dalmatian came from a reputable breeder, you will have a record of genetic health testing done on the parents. Deafness is present in the breed, andresponsible breederswill have had the parents tested and will have entire litters tested to be certain that all can hear.
A unilaterally hearing dog (deaf in one ear) can usually lead a fairly normal life; a bilaterally (both sides) deaf dog often cannot and will require special considerations.
Kidney stones are also present in Dals. Your breeder or vet can tell you what you should feed to avoid the problem. Usually quite healthy, Dalmatians aren’t picky eaters and don’t require a lot of supplements to keep them looking fit.
Because Dalmatians are frequently used in fire fighting, there’s no doubt about its responsiveness to training. A good trainer can get a Dalmatian to act well-behaved and assertive but never overly-aggressive.
Like many assertive animals, a Dalmatian can generally be more assertive in the presence of a weak or submissive trainer or dog owner. For this reason, it’s especially important to be assertive and in command around a Dalmatian. This dog breed that understands its role can get along very well with other animals in your home.